Announcement: my book, Building on the Rock: Practical Advice from Jesus! is now available in your favorite e-book format for a mere $3.99. Follow the link and I'll appreciate it.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Morning thoughts
When I wake up in the morning, some things call for my attention right away: bodily needs, personal hygiene, whoever else in the house is moving about right then. I usually step on the scale and note with dismay or pleasure what I have gained or lost overnight. But because most mornings this happens fairly early, without a need to rush out to meet the demands do the day for at least an hour or two, there is an opportunity for quiet time. So I may compose a brief thought and tweet it, or focus on a bible verse and share that with my friends online.
Monday, September 09, 2013
A narrow window of opportunity?
So in the run up to military action in Syria, some interesting developments today. This morning Secretary Kerry, asked what might deter the U S from going forward, suggested that if the Assad regime were to turn over, this week, all of its chemical weapons stockpile to international control, that might do it, while hastening to add that of course Mr. Assad would never do this. Later in the day, Kerry's bluff was called on this very point: by the Russians, who publicly suggested the Syrians should do that and also sign on to the chemical weapons convention. The Syrian foreign ministry made favorable comments and so did leadership at the UN.
Not Dead Yet
I haven't used this Blogger venue for quite a while.... looks like a year or so. But not to worry, I'm still dancing... Having found that one's presence on the Web can bloat like overcooked spaghetti, with Wordpress here , Blogger there, Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and who knows what else (ok, I do... LiveJournal, Tumblr, oh yes GooglePlus....) well, it gets to be a bit of a chore to maintain.
I did learn that even cyberspace does not equate to the Akashic Records. Some things once posted no longer exist. The Bridges Across the Divide website is down, and with it the various essays and comments I contributed to that once-cutting-edge bit of conversation. Myspace turned into a special-interest space for entertainers mostly. StumbleUpon stumbled, changing its format and losing many of its participants, including me.
I've seen other places pop up, mostly geared to random dating things which seem to cater to people more isolated and lonely than myself (MeetMe,, MyDailyFlog) or very short-term postings (Instagram). Time sinks, for which I have little time. For my own (semi-) private conversations, there has been for a long time things like AIM, Yahoo messenger, and more particularly Jabber (and its Google implementation, Gtalk, now morphing into Hangouts. And for really real-time, the long-fictional world of live video conferencing is now in place, more or less, with Skype and FaceTime. I don't use them much, but I do appreciate the potential there.
So a wise man once talked about purging or pruning what is fruitful, so that it may bear more fruit. In ordinary human life this translates into cutting back, concentrating on doing fewer things better. So wander on over to the Search for Integrity or if you are interested in poetry, to Fearless Symmetry, which are the two places most likely to have recent entries from me. I've been less prolific in general over the last year or two, but that could change. Anyhow, thanks for stopping by.